
A colourful grid-based puzzle game for Pythonista on iOS.

View the Project on GitHub chriswilson1982/black-and-white

Black & White

A colourful grid-based puzzle game for Pythonista on iOS by Chris Wilson

Black & White is a colourful grid-based puzzle game created using Pythonista on iOS. This code is intended to be used within the Pythonista app.


Download or clone the repository to Pythonista’s file system and run using the Python 3 interpreter.

Pythonista Tools Installer provides an easy way to do this. Black & White is listed in the library under Games.


The config.ini file contains modifiable configuration information. There are currently settings for two size classes in the [LAYOUT_SMALL] and [LAYOUT_LARGE] sections. These may need to be adjused for different screen sizes. You can also customise in-game messages and other aspects of the game.



The cog icon in the top left will take you to the settings screen where you can select a difficulty level (which affects timer speed and power-ups), change the username and set a custom colour scheme. For more detailed instructions, you can view the in-game help screen by tapping the ? button on the settings screen.


The high score leaderboard can be viewed by tapping the icon in the top right. There is a separate table for each difficulty setting. Scores are stored for each user name using a local SQLite database.